Crunchy Cabbage – Seeds

Crunchy Cabbage seeds. Grows four flats of Crunchy Cabbage microgreens.

SKU: URB-CrunchyCabbage Categories: ,


5 in stock (can be backordered)

Product Description

Organic Crunchy Cabbage seeds perfected for indoor growing.

Our seeds are non-GMO, rigorously tested to ensure that they exceed sanitation and contamination standards, and the varieties we offer are carefully and specifically selected for Urban Cultivator appliances.

Cabbage is one of the most ubiquitous vegetables, and it comes in many varieties red, purple, green, and Napa cabbage (the latter of which is usually found in Chinese cooking). It s one of the oldest vegetables around, dating as far back as the 1600s. Cabbage has been proven to contain anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It also contains antioxidants, known as quercetin,that behaves as an antihistamine. If you re suffering from allergies, try some cabbage!

GROW TIME2 weeks